The ΗCC is an independent authority that enjoys administrative and financial autonomy. Its promotes and defends competition in all markets, serving the consumer as well as businesses. It is the primary competition body in Greece, exclusively responsible for the enforcement of national (Law 3959/2011) and EU competition rules (Articles 101 and 102 TFEU).
The HCC does not apply competition rules on the electronic communications and postal services markets (which are enforced by the national regulator, EETT) nor rules on unfair competition (Law 146/1914), which fall under the competence of the civil courts.
Mission and General Objectives
The application of rules that make sure that businesses compete fairly with each other, either by means of maintaining or restoring effective competitive market structure or by identifying anti-competitive conduct, ensures a wide array of benefits for both consumers and businesses which ultimately drive the whole economy. Effective competition results in:
- Products and services with added value, by means of reducing prices and enhancing quality;
- Broader consumer choice via the expansion of the range of products and services provided;
- Enhanced entrepreneurial environment, with businesses focusing on productivity, efficiency and innovation; and
- Domestic products and services that are more competitive in global markets.
Powers of the HCC
The HCC’s main statutory responsibilities are to:
- Investigate anti-competitive agreements and abuses of a dominant position and impose sanctions where applicable;
- Adopt interim measures where an infringement is prima facie presumed;
- Appraise concetrations between organizations that fall under the merger control regime;
- Conduct market studies and sector inquiries and suggest regulatory measures concerning the structure of the market;
- Issue opinions on regulatory measures restricting competition;
- Cooperate with sectoral/ industry – specific regulators;
- Cooperate with European Commission and other European Competition Authorities; and
- Promote the values of competition and efficient regulation.