Thursday, 28 November 2019 12:19

Mihaly Fazekas - Data Science for Competition Enforcement: A Primer

Personnel Training Seminar conducted by Mihaly Fazekas, Assistant Professor of public administration at Central European University

The seminar covered a wide range of issues concerning the use of data in competition policy implementation. In particular, the presentation set the framework in which data analysis and big data can both be used to assist the selection of cases to be investigated and subsequently examined, on the one hand, and to serve as a policy tool either in implementing a reform policy or in assessing specific policy initiatives.

The speaker gave specific examples from different countries and organisations (European Investment Bank, Sweden, Peru) which use data analysis tools and referred to the suitability of using public procurement data in detecting cartels. He also drew attention to the risks involved in bringing data analysis into play in competition policy implementation, explaining why and how data analysis should be used in public policy. He also presented a detailed guide for data analysis framework development.

Finally, he demonstrated in a very illustrative manner how a market structure could be studied using the Greek public procurement market as an example.


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