SUBJECT: Clearance of the notified concentration concerning the acquisition by the company under the name “DOLIT INVESTMENTS SINGLE MEMBER S.A.”, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of “ECM Partners Inc.”, of sole control over the companies under the names “PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE S.A.” and “ENERFARM 2 RENEWABLES S.A.”
Clearance of the notified concentration under ref. no. 490/17.01.2023, pursuant to Article 6 (1-3) of Law 3959/2011, concerning the acquisition by the newly established company under the name “DOLIT INVESTMENTS SINGLE MEMBER S.A.”, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of “ECM Partners Inc.”, of sole control over the companies under the names “PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE S.A.” and “ENERFARM 2 RENEWABLES S.A.”