On 14 May 2021, by its unanimous Decision No. 735/2021, the Chamber of the Hellenic Competition Commission approved, pursuant to Art. 8(3) of Greek Law 3959/2011, the proposed transaction notified on 31/3/2021, concerning theacquisition of sole control by “TEFORTO HOLDINGS LIMITED” (a subsidiary MOTOR OIL GROUP) over the companies “AIOLIKO PARKO AETOS ENERGY SA,” “AIOLIKI HELLAS INDUSTRIAL & ENERGY SA”, “AIOLIKO PARKO KATO LAKOMATA ANONYMI ENERGEIAKI ETAIRIA”, “VIOTIA AIOLOS PRODUCTION AND EXPLOITATION OF ENERGY SA”, “ANEMOS MAKEDONIAS ANONYMI ENERGEIAKI ETAIRIA” and “AIOLOS ANAPTIKSIAKI KAI SIA FTHIOTIDA SA” .
Pursuant to the above decision, the Hellenic Competition Commission found that the proposed concentration, which concerns the markets (a) for the production and wholesale supply of electricity and (b) supply of electricity at a retail level, while falling within the scope of Art. 6(1) of Greek Law 3959/2011, does not raise any serious doubts as to its compatibility with the competition rules in the relevant markets involved.