Friday, 05 August 2022

Press Release - Approval of acquisition of sole control

Subject: Approval of the proposed acquisition of exclusive control by Blantyre Capital Limited over company “IMITHEA Single Member SA Health clinics and Medical Diagnostic Centers” ( Henry Dunant Hospital) under Greek merger control rules

By its unanimous Decision No. 795/2022, the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) in plenary, approved today, under Greek merger control rules, the proposed acquisition of exclusive control by Blantyre Capital Limited over company “IMITHEA Single Member SA Health clinics and Medical Diagnostic Centers” ( Henry Dunant Hospital). The control was previously exercised by the holder of 100% of the share capital of IMITHEA, "BANK OF PIRAEUS SA".

According to the HCC Decision, Blantyre is an investment company specializing in investment management (debt and equity), especially in special and/or complex cases of restructuring, reorganization and/or transition of investment portfolios. In the merger in question there are no horizontal or vertical overlaps of activities between Blantyre and IMITHEA. Blantyre does not own participations in other companies active in the market of private health clinics in Greece, nor do investment funds active in this market participate in Blantyre. Competition conditions will not change as a result of the transaction in question, either horizontally or vertically, and the considered concentration is not expected to bring any changes to the structure of the relevant market and consequently will not affect the level of competition or lead to its reduction.

Therefore, the HCC approved, according to article 8 par. 3 of law 3959/2011, the notified merger given that despite falling within the scope of paragraph 1 of article 6 of law 3959/2011, does not cause serious doubts, as to its compatibility with the requirements of competition in the related markets.

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