Displaying items by tag: MASOUTIS

Subject: Decision on the request of the company "DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS ANONYMI ETERIA - SUPERMARKET", for exemption from the commitment to sell the store, in the "Anemomyloi" area of ​​Chora of Andros island, according with the no. 713/2020 HHC Decision.

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Subject: HCC clears the acquisition by “DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS S.A. – SUPERMARKETS” (“MASOUTIS”) of control over “SYN.KA CRETE” (“SYNKA”), and in particular SYNKA’s wholesale and retail supply of consumer goods (supermarket sector)

Published in Press Releases
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Thursday, 20 January 2022 00:00

Decision 764/2022

Decision on the request of the company "DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS S.A. - SUPERMARKETS", for exemption from the divestment commitment of Masoutisin respect of the store in the "Anemomyloi" area of ​​Chora of Andros island, according to HHC Decision no. 713/2020

Published in 2022
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Subject: Decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission on the request of the company "DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS SA - SUPER MARKET" for modification of the remedies undertaken in the context of Decision no. 665/2018 on the approval of the acquisition of sole control over the company PROMITHEFTIKI SA.

Published in Press Releases
Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:01

Decision 665/2018

Decision on the proposed acquisition of sole control by "DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS SA" over the company "PROMITHEFTIKI SA".

Published in 2018


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